Metrics per stage in k6

Posted on Fri 25 November 2022 in k6

If you want to have custom metrics per each stage in an executor, you have to tag the stages (with tagWithCurrentStageIndex()) and add bogus thresholds for each metric that you want with the tag stage:i (being i the number of each stage). The bogus threshold has to be different for gauges (max>0) and rates (rate>=0).

This example file shows how to do it:

import http from 'k6/http';
import { tagWithCurrentStageIndex } from '';

const stages = [
    { target: 1, duration: '10s' },
    { target: 5, duration: '10s' },

export const options = {
  scenarios: {
    contacts: {
      executor: 'ramping-arrival-rate',
      timeUnit: '1s',
      preAllocatedVUs: 10,
      maxVUs: 200,
      stages: stages,
  // Uncomment the next line if you want the count statistic
  // summaryTrendStats: ['avg', 'min', 'med', 'max', 'p(90)', 'p(95)', 'p(99)', 'count'],
  thresholds: {
    // Intentionally empty. We'll programatically define our bogus
    // thresholds (to generate the sub-metrics) below. In your real-world
    // load test, you can add any real threshoulds you want here.

function addThreshold(thresholdName, threshold) {
    if (!options.thresholds[thresholdName]) {
        options.thresholds[thresholdName] = [];

    // 'max>=0' is a bogus condition that will always be fulfilled

for (var i=0; i<stages.length; i++) {
    // This adds per stage metrics for http_req_duration (a gauge)
    addThreshold(`http_req_duration{stage:${i}}`, 'max>=0');

    // This adds per stage metrics for iterations (a rate)
    addThreshold(`iterations{stage:${i}}`, 'rate>=0');

export default function () {

The idea has been taken from this post about metrics per scenario.
