
Fri 19 April 2024
Profiling with nvprof
Fri 05 April 2024
GPU sharing
Tue 05 March 2024
How GPGPU came to exist
Mon 01 January 2024
Llamafile: the easiest way to try LLMs locally
Mon 01 January 2024
Uninstalling Windows Apps that seem not to be installed
Wed 19 July 2023
Serving JavaScript with Python's http.server
Thu 01 June 2023
Pylance and mypy cannot find editable local imports
Tue 30 May 2023
Reading units from a pickle file with Pint
Sat 27 May 2023
Pylance cannot find editable local import
Tue 23 May 2023
Click removal in audio files with Python
Thu 11 May 2023
Computing the MASE for historical_forecasts in darts
Tue 02 May 2023
Projects to test AI chat bots locally
Fri 21 April 2023
Visual Studio Code unable to connect
Fri 25 November 2022
Metrics per stage in k6
Fri 11 November 2022
Installing Tensorflow Serving in Amazon EC2 Linux
Mon 20 June 2022
Using IPVS in kube-proxy with eksctl
Mon 16 May 2022
Pinning CPUs in Kubernetes using full-pcpus-only with eksctl
Wed 15 December 2021
Error cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode
Wed 24 November 2021
Reading traces from a file in k6
Wed 20 October 2021
Configuring Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS gateway
Tue 05 October 2021
Upgrading to dash 2.0
Mon 04 October 2021
Meltdown and spectre checker
Thu 30 September 2021
Changing the Pelican theme to Flex
Wed 29 September 2021
Integrating Prometheus, InfluxDB and Grafana
Tue 28 September 2021
Using Pelican as blogging platform for GitHub